Bård Nyhus Amundsen

Position: Lawyer / Partner

Phone: (+47) 922 04 985

E-mail: bna@wla.no

Areas of Expertise

Amundsen works with dispute resolution and procedure within the area of business law, with particular emphasis on real estate law, planning and building law, construction law, shipping, insurance law and IT. He has also built up special expertise in administrative law, including in handling appeals in weapons cases and has brought several appeals of principle up for decision at the Civil Ombudsman.


Partner in Wahl-Larsen Advokatfirma AS since 2024.

Partner in Kristensen Berg Advokatfirma DA, 2015-2023

Partner in Blehr & Co. Advokatfirma DA (later changed to Kristensen Berg), 2004-2015.

Partner in Hersløv Flod & Co. Advokatfirma DA, 2000-2003.

Partner in Berg & Co. Advokatfirma DA (later changed to Blehr & Co.), 1998-2000.

Legal consultant in the National Tobacco Damage Council in 1998.


Attorney’s license 2000.

Bachelor of Laws 1997.

Core Competency

Immovable property legal relationship

Planning and building law

Company law


Insurance law

Contract law



Amundsen has experience as a board member, chairman and is an owner in several companies within IT.


Norwegian and english.